What Are Sweet Baby Starter Kits?

The idea for this project came after reading about the boxes full of baby items provided by the Finnish government to any expectant mother who needs one. (An article about the boxes can be found here, or you can type "Finnish baby box" into a search engine for pictures and more information.) The idea being that every baby deserves to start life on an even playing field, regardless of their family's income. 

Until I find the suggestion box for our government, I figured the gap could be filled by organizing donations of good quality used items into starter kits to be given to new mothers who might not be able to purchase these items themselves. I remember too well contemplating the seemingly endless number of things I would need as a new parent and wondering how on earth I would make that happen. I was lucky enough to be blessed with family and friends who helped with gifts and hand-me-down's, and now that I've been on the other side (with piles of suddenly useless baby gear) I understand why everyone was so very happy to pass things on! :)

I also plan on adding pages with links to community resources, free/low cost diy's, and other information that any thrifty parent might find helpful.  This will help fill any gaps for things I can't supply in the boxes. I am always happy for suggestions for these pages.

So what is in the boxes, who can apply for one and how?

Who can apply and how: Anyone who feels that they will not have the bare essentials for their baby without one. I DO NOT decide this about you, I work on the honor system. To apply, click on the "How to apply" page for the e-mail address and a few questions related to seasonal clothing choices, colour preferences etc.

What is in the boxes:
 My goal with these boxes is that, if a new Mother had absolutely nothing else for her baby, they would be ok. Doing a heck of a lot of laundry, but never worried that her baby would be cold or without proper fitting clothing. 

Here is an approximate list of what will be in each box, but it will vary due to that fact that they are based on donations.

-sleepers and several outfits in 3,6, and 12 month sizes
-snowsuit or sweater for each size
-hats, socks/booties
-bedding (blankets, receiving blankets, crib sheets etc.)
-a stuffed animal/toy/book
-feeding items such as bottles or nursing supplies (depending on donation availability)
-health and hygiene items such as a thermometer, baby nail clippers etc (new items, depending on donations)
-size 1 disposable diapers (cloth diaper links on diy and tips pages)

 (Please note that while the Finnish boxes are designed and government approved as a safe place for babies to sleep, Sweet Baby Starter Kits ARE NOT. The kits will generally come in paper boxes. These are designed and tested for storing paper, not babies.)

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